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교수진 소개

노용균 프로필 사진
노용균 (No,Yongkyoon)   이메일아이콘
인문관 458호

담당 과목

[학부] 언어와논리, 도구로서의 컴퓨터, 형태론, 화용론, 언어유형론, 기술언어학강독, 캡스톤디자인, 언어정보처리개론, 형태분석: 이론과실제 등
[대학원] 대명사 지칭 결정과 담화구조, 형태론연구, 형태론과 통사론의 인터페이스, 자연언어생성과 담화모델들, 형식 언어 이론 등

대표 연구실적

No, Y. (2017). Modeling an Intermediate-Level Learner for Word Segmentation. Mikel L. Forcada, Chao-Hong Liu, Jinhua Du, Qun Liu (eds.) Proceedings of MLP 2017: The First Workshop on Multi-Language Processing in a Globalising World, p. 85–90 Dublin, Ireland, 4–5 September 2017.

No, Y. (2007). Bracketing Input for Accurate Parsing. In Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (pp. 358-364).

No, Y. K. (2007). Automatic Construction of a Concept Hierarchy from Coordinated Noun Phrases. Language and Information, 11(1), 39-52.

No, Y. K. (2004). Nominative/accusative adpositions in negative auxiliary constructions. Language and Information, 8(2), 73-91.

No, Y. K. (2001). Why Korean Is Not a Regular Language: A Proof. Language and Information, 5(2), 1-8.

Chae, H. R., & No, Y. (1998). A survey of morphological issues in Korean: Focusing on syntactically relevant phenomena. Korean Linguistics, 9(1), 65-109.

No, Y. K., & Park, D. I. (1994). A Benchmark Test for Korean Spelling-Checking Programs. In Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology (pp. 505-517). Human and Language Technology.

No, Y. (1991). A centering approach to the [case][topic] restriction in Korean. Linguistics, 29, 653-668.

한국어 낱말 조합 사전. (2016). 신아사.

언어와 컴퓨터(공역). (2016). 충남대학교 출판문화원.

한국어 기본 숙어 사전. (2002). 한국문화사.